Andrew Garfield Confirmed in Spider-Man: No Way Home!

Oct 14, 2021 | News, Uncategorized



You have likely heard all the rumours swirling around about Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire returning for Spider-Man: No Way Home, maybe you’ve even seen the videos and heard the recordings… But what if we could prove to you that Andrew Garfield is in fact in the upcoming film?

Read on to find the facts about the leaked footage.


Leaked Footage

In the run-up to the film’s release, the rumour mill has been going crazy. For months, pictures, video footage and audio clips have been making the rounds and driving fans nuts.

One of the most popular leaks to have come out so far has been the video footage of a crouched Andrew Garfield in his original Spidey outfit with a glimpse of another Spidey hand from the edge of the scene.

When this footage initially started to circulate, Sony studios, the company that holds the rights for Spider-Man and has been working closely with Marvel Studios on the upcoming film was doing everything it could to get the footage taken down.

But as is often the case with the internet, it got shared around and reposted more frequently than Sony could get it taken down.

Now, while all of that is highly suspicious and the company’s desperation to hide this footage speaks volumes, there was some controversy that created significant doubts.


Was It Faked?

Andrew Garfield has himself repeatedly denied any involvement with the upcoming film, but Marvel does encourage its actors to keep things under wraps until they make any official announcements themselves.

On late-night news shows and in fan interactions, Andrew has stuck to his guns that the footage was “photoshopped” and that he is not involved with No Way Home, but can we trust him?

Things looked even bleaker for a Spidey reunion when YouTuber Alex Cerrato came forward claiming they were the person behind the ‘deepfaked’ footage, but another channel on YouTube may have just proven those claims utterly false.


The Footage IS Real!

Corridor Crew are a production crew specialising in special and visual effects and they have gathered a significant following on YouTube with their reaction videos and displays of their VFX chops.

And on October 3rd, they uploaded a video diving deep into the leaked footage and proving once and for all that the video is real!

As experts in their field, they detail exactly what would have been needed in order to fake the footage and they take a close look for any signs of tampering with the footage and they conclude that it is in fact real.

So, there you have it, Andrew Garfield will be in the upcoming films! And it is likely that he won’t be the only Spider-Man returning…

Are you excited about the upcoming film? Do you have any theories about what we will see? We would love to hear what you think.


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By Ben Gibbons


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