Samuel L. Jackson: From Iconic Lead Roles to Marvel’s “Secret Invasion”

Samuel L. Jackson is a legendary actor known for his charismatic on-screen presence and memorable performances. With an extensive filmography spanning decades, Jackson has portrayed a wide range of compelling characters, solidifying his status as one of Hollywood's...
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero reviewed (spoiler-free)

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero reviewed (spoiler-free)

By Liam Priestley

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is in cinemas from August 19th across the UK. We got a special early look and we have the review for you. Is Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero or Super Zero, read on to find out.

Has Grand Theft Auto VI (GTA6) just been confirmed?

Has Grand Theft Auto VI (GTA6) just been confirmed?

By Iona May Todd

GTA6 is one of the most hotly anticipated games of the last decade, and it finally looks like some tangible news is starting to appear. When we can expect to play the game and news so far.



By Iona May Todd

Crunchyroll recently announced a change in their subscription plan prices, but you probably weren’t expecting it to change like this.

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