Origins of Comicspiration – Tom

Jul 20, 2021 | News, Uncategorized



From a young age I have always been fascinated by Super-Heroes. Starting small as a 90’s kid, I grew up with Spiderman, Superman, Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, VR Troopers, Power Rangers, Masked Rider. The list is endless.

These heroes had everyday lives and everyday struggles, but still managed to save the day – it was inspiring. 

But I didn’t just watch these shows. I was in them. 

My mind constantly plays with story ideas. I can’t help but further develop or put my own personal twist on what I was watching. 

Before I even realised it, I was living in my imagination – it led to things like the time I broke my father’s belt buckle while sticking it on my chest so I could be Batman, and I can’t count how many air KAME-HAME-HA’s I have done down the street.

Fast forwards 25 years and yes, I am still playing with toys… But now I am of an age where I want to bring my stories to life. And there is no better partner to do that with than the one I have in Al.

Meeting for the first time at university, in our induction class with the entire year group, a chance meeting, one stranger sitting next to another, in a hall of over 100 students. We didn’t know then, but this was the start of great partnership but more importantly an unbreakable friendship.

As fate would have it, me and Al met as the famous MCU was in its infancy, and it sparked endless conversations. 

How would we do the next movie? What characters would we want to bring in? What games and merchandise could be made? Little did we know, these conversations were just the start.

After leaving university and taking the step-up in to adult life, I spent the last 10 years doing what I do not love. 

I fell into the trap of finding the first job available and haven’t been able to leave since. 

Don’t get me wrong, I have progressed and grown, but I have never been further from the little boy who just wanted to create. 

Maybe a bit of fortune where there was not much to be had, but the recent global pandemic put life into perspective for both of us. Do we continue this path? Not unhappy, but not at our full potential. Or do we be brave? Like the heroes we have grown up to love. We chose to be brave.

And so Comicspiration was born. We want to make our stories a reality but in doing so we have learned first-hand the struggles of creating content. Something we want no one else to have to struggle with.

Our stories are our own, but our platform is for everyone. 

Come with us on this journey, but whilst you are here, why not show us your journey too.

That is Comicspiration. Enabling others to realise their dreams through one huge inspiring, and hopefully shared, adventure.

Come along! We can’t wait to see you in Etrah.

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