The Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer is coming today!

Nov 16, 2021 | News, Uncategorized



Everyone has been waiting and debating the hotly anticipated second trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home, but the wait is almost over.

Just a few hours ago, the official Twitter account for the film posted the following:

Eager fans who have been trawling through the interweb for the slightest leak, detail and rumour will be on the edge of their seats expectantly hitting the refresh button, and for good reason.

The hype around this movie is unbelievable!

The above poster already gives us an incredible look at returning villains from Green Goblin and Doc Ock of the Sam Raimi trilogy to the presence of those electrical shockwaves indicative of Electro from The Amazing Spider-Man films, this movie will be unlike anything we have seen in the MCU up until this point.

Loki introduced the multiverse and we have since seen incredible crossovers setting up the pieces for this multiversal event.

What fans want to see most in this upcoming trailer though, is the undeniable confirmation of Spider-Men returning.

And we are going to boldly make a prediction that this trailer will in fact feature all three spider-men as we count down the days until No Way Home arrives in theatres on the 17th of December!

But if you are in the UK or Europe, we are excited to announce that you will get to see it a whole two days earlier as the release date has now been confirmed for the 15th December to European Distributors!


Following this initial post, Sony and Marvel stoked the fire with the following tweet showing Tom Holland, Zendeya and Jacob Batalon watching the trailer themselves.

At one point in the brief clip, Batalon says: “People are gonna go crazy when they see that bit.”

What are they seeing?!?

Luckily, fans won’t have to wait much longer, but if you are in the UK, you are probably in for a late-night as the timing of the post and their countdown of “T-minus 24 hours”, puts the time for the trailer to be released between 2am and 3am.

Will you be waiting up to watch the trailer?

By Ben Gibbons

Linktree: @benjaminblogs1

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